• 1階: お弁当やお酒を楽しめる飲食スペース
• 2階・3階: 猫たちと触れ合えるスペース(2階には昭和の風景を再現したジオラマあり)


Instagram: @aki.nitta.with.asunaro

English Guide

Our café has been a beloved part of the Nishishinmachi community for about 5 years. As of February 22, 2025, we are excited to begin a new chapter as part of the Diorama Shokudo Group!
• 1st Floor: Dining space with bento meals and alcoholic beverages
• 2nd & 3rd Floors: Cat space where you can relax with our resident cats (The 2nd floor features a diorama of a lush, nostalgic Showa-era landscape)

Enjoy a relaxing time with our cats in this community-rooted healing space!

Instagram: @aki.nitta.with.asunaro

あすなろ with ジオラマ食堂 - 西新町の歴史と魅力

  1. 西新町の歴史



  1. 観光客向けの情報

■ 近隣の観光スポット
• 明石公園(明石城跡がある歴史公園)
• 魚の棚商店街(地元の新鮮な海産物が楽しめる市場)
• 明石焼きの名店(ふわとろのたこ焼きを楽しめるお店が多数)

■ 交通アクセス

  1. あすなろ with ジオラマ食堂の役割

• 1階では、お弁当やお酒を楽しみながら、ゆったりとした時間を過ごせます。
• 2階・3階には猫たちと触れ合えるスペースがあり、特に2階には昭和の風景を再現したジオラマが設置されています。


Instagram: @aki.nitta.with.asunaro

English Version: Asunaro with Diorama Shokudo - The History & Charm of Nishishinmachi

  1. The History of Nishishinmachi

Nishishinmachi is a historical district that flourished from the Edo period, serving as a hub for commerce and craftsmanship. As part of the castle town of Akashi, it attracted merchants and artisans, developing into a lively and vibrant area.

During the Showa era, narrow streets were lined with small shops, creating a warm, community-oriented atmosphere. Even today, remnants of this nostalgic era can be seen, offering visitors a glimpse into Japan’s rich history.

  1. Tourist Information

■ Nearby Attractions
• Akashi Park (A historical park featuring the ruins of Akashi Castle)
• Uonotana Shopping Street (A local seafood market with fresh catches and street food)
• Famous Akashiyaki Shops (Try the local specialty, a fluffy, savory takoyaki-like dish)

■ Transportation Access
• 5-minute walk from Sanyo Railway’s Nishishinmachi Station
• About 10 minutes by bus from JR Akashi Station

  1. The Role of Asunaro with Diorama Shokudo

This café blends the historic charm of Nishishinmachi with a beautifully recreated Showa-era atmosphere.
• The 1st floor offers a relaxing dining space where guests can enjoy bento meals and alcoholic beverages.
• The 2nd & 3rd floors are dedicated to our resident cats, with a small diorama of a lush Showa-era landscape on the 2nd floor.

Experience the history of Nishishinmachi while enjoying a peaceful moment with our cats.

Instagram: @aki.nitta.with.asunaro